

About me




About me

The beginning - How has Millie come to our family? - Why "Millie"? - Services

Andi, Mador, Rebeka

My name is Andrea Leidl. I'm a dog-o-maniac since my childhood but we lived in an apartment and our circumstances and love for dogs did not allow us have my own dog.

At university years, I got my first dog, a caucasian shepherd male Alex who is now over the rainbow bridge: he was my loyal friend and guardian for 11 years.

The next four-legged member of the family was Mador the leonberger who not only was a reliable member of the family, but apart from having achieved a stunning show career, he became a fantastic therapy dog.

Members of our family are, in addition, Borbala the cat and Tombola (Lottery) the djungarian dwarf hamster.

The beginning

My admiration towards collies started when I was a child and saw Gábor Szalánczi walking with Nessie near my grandmother's home. The wonderful big tricolour collie walked without a leash, reacting immediately to the minute signal from her owner, and it was a pleasure not only to pet her but purely to watch her. Thanks to her, my favourite collie colour is tricolour.

Nessie (photo: Melinda Csecserits, Méda-Garden Kennel)

I read the Lassie books over and over again, watched the movies several times and keep watching them with my daughter Rebeka.

When my beloved Mador went over the rainbow bridge, it was such an emptiness in my life that I decided the time had come to make my dream of 30 years come true.

Nessie + Mayra
Nessie and Mayra (photo: Melinda Csecserits, Méda-Garden Kennel)

Nessie (photo: Melinda Csecserits,
Méda-Garden Kennel

How has Millie come to our family?

Millie és én


Our friendship with Anita Szórádi began years ago. She currently has beautiful rhodesian ridgebacks but used to have a collie earlier. She remembered a good breeder Erika Lissai and recommended her to me. I found her website and it turned out that:
1. they had a litter and the puppies were available immediately
2. there was a tricolour female
3. she was still available
+ their pedigree was wonderful, too!

I met my girlfriend Melinda Csecserits (Méda-Garden Kennel) a very knowledgeable and experience collie breeder and owner at the Next Top Dog Model competition and our friendship is intensive ever since. We talked over the new puppy and she also recommended her to me, so we brought Millie home on 18.03.2012.


After the "big meeting", I further analysed the signs: I called my grandmother "Goodness" and the puppy's pedigree name is Rineweld Heart of Goodness! The puppy's dam is called Rineweld Eyeful Magdalena - my granny was Magda, too! She sent me this fantastic dog from up above!

Pedigree name is too long so I had to find a calling name which is
1. suitable to the puppy's sweet personality,
2. contains e and i vowels,
3. not longer than two syllables,
4. sounds smooth and "female-ish" (i.e. contains m, l, j but not sh, s)
5. is in line with the expectation that she will bring me thousand joys ("mille joies", thousand is "mille" in (neo)latin languages))
6. white chest and little legs remind me of milk (Milli)...

...so her calling name became Millie.


My services include in HU Hungarian, EN English, FR French and ES Spanish languages:

  • Web design, web page creation

Please feel free to ask me any questions you're interested in (there are no silly questions!)


© www.millie.hu